Online Astral Travel Workshop
For you, beautiful sparks of light, who are ready to take the next step!
This online workshop is live via Zoom.
Prerequisites are required - it will be sent upon booking, with other info.
You can choose from two DATES: ​
- 15th October 2022
@ 9 AM Saturday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = +0 UTC
that is 7 PM Saturday, in Sydney NSW, Australia
or 5 AM Saturday, in New York, NY, USA
or 22nd October 2022
@ 9 AM Saturday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = +0 UTC
that is 7 PM Saturday, in Sydney NSW, Australia
or 5 AM Saturday, in New York, NY, USA
Workshop contains:
- prerequisite material
- workshop material
- audio meditations
- homework material
- recording
Price - 111 Euro
This workshop covers a basic understanding of the principles of Astral Travel.
Students can comfortably take this knowledge for further self-development.
Meditations and additional materials will be provided.
7 Principles ofÂ
AStral Travel
Our NEW BOOK is available!